I was born in Ireland and grew up in South Africa. I have had a wondefully rich life in terms of experiences, travelling and learning about different cultures. I currently live in Dubai, UAE. My best travel spots so far have been Peru, Prague and Jordan! All of them are must see's!
I create engaging and creative resources for early years and primary students.
I was born in Ireland and grew up in South Africa. I have had a wondefully rich life in terms of experiences, travelling and learning about different cultures. I currently live in Dubai, UAE. My best travel spots so far have been Peru, Prague and Jordan! All of them are must see's!
I create engaging and creative resources for early years and primary students.
Buzzzzzz… the tell tale sign of a mosquito buzzing around looking for a tasty snack! This 120+ page Science Unit includes all your kids need to learn about Mosquitoes and their life cycle.
Included in this pack are the following:
•Life Cycle
Note Taking
Mosquito Flip Book
Observation Diary
Mosquito Crown
Mosquito Spinner
Word Wall
Did You Know? Mosquito Facts
Mini Book - 3 Levels
Research Report
Mosquito Puzzles
◈ Mosquito Life Cycle
◈ Mosquito Acrostic Poem
◈ See, Think, Wonder
◈ Can Have Are
◈ Match It Up
◈ Mosquitoes Anagram
◈ Word Search
◈ Missing Words
◈ABC Order
◈Graphic Organizers
◈Fill in the Blanks
◈Investigation Mosquito
◈Visualise it
This 250 page Body Systems includes all you need to teach all about our bodies and organ systems to your students.
Systems included are:
Digestive System
Nervous System
Muscular System
Circulatory System
Respiratory System
Skeletal System
Each body system includes the following:
4 x information posters
2 x differentiated comprehensions and reading passages
Draw the system worksheet
Draw the organ worksheet
Label the system
KWL Chart
Can Has Is organizer
3-2-1 Organizer
Fact Information Sheet
Fact Spider Diagram
Writing Prompt
All About My Amazing Body:
Colourful large class reader about the human body and each organ and system with real pictures.
Printable Activities and Games:
Body Systems Spin Wheel
Read and Write the Room- Body Systems
Read and Write the Room- Organs
Board Game
Fact or Opinion
Body System Match
Organ Match
Memory Game
Build the Skeleton
Worksheets included are:
Label the system
Graphic organizers
Fact sheets
Mini Flip Book per body system
Matching worksheets
Drawing worksheets
Cut and Paste worksheets
Graphing activities
Writing prompts
This 160 page Science Unit includes all your kids need to learn about LADYBUGS. This is a print version. If you want the DIGITAL version, click here All About Ladybugs Digital
Included in this pack are the following:
•Life Cycle
•Winter Warmth
•Farmer Friends
•Ladybug KWL
•Ladybug All About
Ladybug Flip Book
Ladybug Spinner
Ladybug Leaf Book
Design an Insect Hotel
Word Wall
Did You Know? Ladybug Facts
Mini Book - 2 Levels
Research Report
Venn Diagram
Compare Contrast Ladybugs and Butterflies
Worksheet and Graphic organizers
◈Label a Ladybug
◈KWL Charts
◈All About Ladybugs
◈ Ladybugs Can Have Are Eat Live
◈ Ladybug Life Cycle
◈ Ladybug Facts
◈Acrostic Poem
◈ABC Order
◈Syllable Sort
◈Noun, Adjectives and Verbs
◈Describing Pictures
◈If I were a Ladybug
◈True or False
◈Venn Diagrams
◈Fill in the Blanks
★Syllable Sort
★Noun, Adjectives and Verb sort
This 150 page Science Unit includes all your kids need to learn about SILKWORMS and SILK MOTHS
Included in this pack are the following:
ncluded in this pack are the following:
•Silk Moths
•Life Cycle
•Silk Legends
•Silk Road
•A Tasty Snack
•Making Silk
Note Taking
Silkworm Flip Book
Observation Diary
Silkworm Crown
Silkworm Spinner
Word Wall
Did You Know? Silkworm Facts
Mini Book - 3 Levels
Research Report
Silkworm Puzzles
Worksheet and Graphic organizers
◈Measure a Silkworm
◈See Think Wonder
◈Label a Silkworm / Silk Moth
◈KWL Charts
◈All About Silkworms
◈ Silkworm / Silk Moth Can Have Are Eat Live
◈ Silkworm / Silk Moth Life Cycle
◈ Silkworm / Silk Moth Facts
◈Acrostic Poem
◈ABC Order
◈Describing Pictures
◈If I were a Silkworm / Silk Moth
◈True or False
◈Fill in the Blanks
◈Word Search
Are your kids buzzing to learn about bees? This 160 pages resource pack includes many engaging and exciting activities for your students. This resource will captivate your kids. Written in kid friendly language the information pages and activities will deepen your students understanding. Your kiddo’s will be buzzing with new knowledge in no time.
Included in this printable pack are the following resources:
•Where do bees live
•Life Cycle of a honey bee
•In the beehive
•Queen Bee
•Worker Bee
•Drone Bee
•Bee Jobs
•Bee Keepers
•Bees and Humans
•Bee Wax
Life Cycle Spinner
Life Cycle Flip Book
Life Cycle Honeycomb
Did You Know? Bee Facts
Word Wall
Mini Book (2 levels)
Research Report
Differentiated Comprehensions
Worker Bee Timeline - Day 1 - Day 45
Worksheet and Graphic organizers:
◈Label a Bee
◈KWL Charts
◈All About Bees
◈Bees Can Have Are
◈Bee Life Cycle
◈Bee Facts
◈Word Search
◈Acrostic Poem
◈A Bee C Order
◈Syllable Sort
◈Noun, Adjectives and Verbs
◈Describing a Picture
◈If I was a Bee
◈Fact or Opinion
◈Venn Diagrams
◈Fill in the Blanks
◈Syllable Sort
◈Noun, Adjectives and Verb sort
This 160 page Science Unit includes all your kids need to learn about BUTTERFLIES. This is the print version. If you would like DIGITAL… Click here All About Butterflies Digital
Included in this pack are the following:
Life Cycle Spinner
Life Cycle Flip Book
Life Cycle Puzzles
Life Cycle Crowns
•Life Cycle
•One of a Kind
•Different Species (Swallowtail, Monarch, Emperor, Skipper, Glass Wing)
•Butterfly headers in color and BW
Did You Know? Butterfly Facts
Word Wall
Writing Prompts
Mini Book (3 levels)
Research Report
Differentiated Comprehensions
Worksheet and Graphic organizers:
◈Label a Butterfly
◈KWL Charts
◈All About Butterflies
◈ Butterflies Can Have Are Eat Live
◈ Butterfly Life Cycle
◈ Butterfly Facts
◈Acrostic Poem
◈ABC Order
◈Syllable Sort
◈Noun, Adjectives and Verbs
◈If I were a Butterfly
◈True or False
◈Venn Diagrams
◈Fill in the Blanks
And much more!
Are you teaching your kiddos about Insects and their life cycle? This 900+ PAGE bundle is for you! Included in this bundle are the following insects: Ladybugs, Butterflies, Bees, Dragonflies, Mosquitoes, Silkworms and Ants
*** This pack is currently being updated to included new activities, information, books and resources. Bundle price will increase slightly after all packs have been updated.
Newly updated in 2022: Bees, Ladybugs, Ants, Butterflies, Dragonflies, Silkworms, Mosquitos
Included in each insect resource are the following:
Life Cycle Spinner
Life Cycle Flip Book
Life Cycle Crown
Life Cycle Puzzle
Did You Know? Facts
Word Wall
Mini Book (3 levels)
Research Report
Differentiated Comprehensions
Information Posters
Worksheet and Graphic organizers
Display Materials
Display Posters
This 160 page Printable All About Ants Unit includes all your kids need to learn about ANTS!
Included in this pack are the following:
KWL Ant headers
Life Cycle Spinner
Life Cycle Crown
Mini Book (2 levels)
Did You Know? Ant Facts
Word Wall
Research Report
Differentiated Comprehensions
•Life Cycle
•Queen Ant
•Worker Ant
•Male Drone Ant
•Leaf Cutter Ant
•Carpenter Ant
•Fire Ant
•Odorous House Ants
Worksheets, Activities and Graphic organizers:
◈Label an ant
◈Label a Queen Ant
◈KWL Charts
◈All About Ants
◈ Ants Can Have Are Eat Live
◈ Ant Life Cycle
◈ Ant Facts
◈Ant Acrostic Poem
◈ABC Order
◈If I were an ant
◈Graphic Organizers
◈True or False
◈Venn Diagrams
◈Fill in the Blanks
◈Investigation Ants
◈Ant Graphing
◈Ant Maze
This 150 page Science Unit includes all your kids need to learn about Dragonflies and their life cycle.
Included in this pack are the following
Life Cycle Spinner
Life Cycle Flip Book
Life Cycle Crown
Life Cycle Puzzle
Did You Know? Dragonfly Facts
Word Wall
Mini Book (3 levels)
Research Report
Differentiated Comprehensions
Information Posters
•Life Cycle
•Compound eyes
Worksheet and Graphic organizers:
◈Label a dragonfly
◈KWL Charts
◈All About Dragonflies
◈ Dragonflies Can Have Are Eat Live
◈ Dragonfly Life Cycle
◈ Dragonfly Facts
◈ Dragonfly Acrostic Poem
◈ABC Order
◈If I were a dragonfly
◈Graphic Organizers
◈Venn Diagrams
◈Fill in the Blanks
◈Investigation Dragonfly
◈Sketch it
◈Visualise it
Celebrate Earth Day with your class this year. This Earth Day pack is perfect for any age group! There are 130 pages of fun, exciting and engaging activities and research for your kids.
Included in this pack is the following:
*Information Posters
*What is Earth Day
*Our Earth
*I Can Help
*The 3 R's (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle)
*Research Pages
*KWL Chart
*Mini Book - Differentiated
*Word Wall
*Fact or Opinion
*Earth Day around the world
*Acrostic Poems
*Letter Writing
*Cause and Effect - differentiated
*Magazine Hunt
*Recycling labeling
*The Earth Flip Book
*The Earth Can Has Needs Is
*Scrambled Sentences
*ABC Order - Differentiated
*Read/Write the Room
*Noun, Verb, Adjective Sort- differentiated
*Word Search
*If I Had a Garden
*Writing Prompts
*Earth Day Word Match
*Grow a Plant Word Mat
*Planting Seeds- Writing
*Home Hunt: Recyclables
*Helping at Home
*Craft: Earth Day Crown